
21 Most Famous and Powerful kingdoms/Empires in the History of Africa.

21 Most Famous and Powerful kingdoms/Empires in the History of Africa...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

1) The Songhai Empire (1401-1600) – Niger , Mali , Mauritania , Senegal , Nigeria, Guinea , The Gambia, Algeria (south) , Burkina-Faso, and Ivory Coast , Chad

2) The Kingdom of Egypt – Egypt

3) The Aksumite( Axum) Empire(100-940 CE) – Ethiopia/Eritrea /

4) The Mali Empire (1235 to 1670)- Mali , Senegal , Burkina Faso , Niger , Guinea , The Gambia , Guinea-Bissau , Ghana

5) The Great Benin Empire(1440-1897) – Nigeria

6) The Empire of Ghana( Wagadugu 601 – 1240) – Mauritania , Senegal

7) The Great Zimbabwe Empire (1220-1450 CE)-

8) The Ethiopian Empire ( Abyssinia ) 1270 (beginning of Solomonid Dynasty) until 1974 – Ethiopia

9) The Kingdom of Kush (1069 BCE and 350 CE) – Sudan/ South Sudan /

10) The Kingdom of Kongo ( 1301 – 1665 ) – Angola DRC Congo and Gabon

11) The Oyo Empire.(1300s-1835) – Nigeria
12) The Carthage Empire (814 BC–146 BC)- Tunisia
13) Kanem-Bornu Empire. (1396-1893)- Nigeria
14) The Mutapa Empire (c. 1450-1629)- Zimbabwe/Mozambique /

15) Ashanti Empire. (1701 to 1901)- Ghana
16) The Aro Confederacy (1690–1902)- Nigeria
17) The Jolof Empire. (1350 to 1549)- Senegal
18) The Kingdom of Nri (800AD until 1911)- Nigeria
19) The Luba Empire.(1585–1889) – DRC
20) The Nok Civilization.(1500 BC — c. 500) AD- Nigeria
21) The Zulu Empire (1816-1897)- South Africa

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