Life Style

Your marriage hasn’t ended because of side chicks and here are 5 reasons

In as much infidelity in marriages should not be excused no matter the reason. These side chicks may be providing all the things your marriage has lost over time which can eventually lead to infidelity. Here are 5 ways side chicks may be saving your marriage:...For More READ THE FULL STORY▶▶

You stopped doing the things that made him fall in love

Marriage shouldn’t be the end of romance, a lot of things may change after marriage but don’t let it change who you are completely, if he likes to go out with you, don’t stop doing it after marriage.

If he likes to gossip and play, don’t let marriage rob him of that joy. Please don’t stop doing the things that made him marry you.

You stopped taking care of yourself

Don’t let yourself go just because you are married, dress up around the house. Wear those booty shots and crop tops. Exercise, watch what you eat, and try to smell and look good at home not just when you go out. He deserves to see you at your best too.

You are not keeping the home tidy

If you are the type that doesn’t mind the mess but has ended up with a partner who wants their surroundings neat all the time, then make sure to do that for them. Marriage is full of compromises, make the home a tidy and organized place for your spouse to return to.

You’ve created a hostile environment at home

You get angry at the slightest provocation and he has to walk on eggshells around you. Every conversation becomes an argument. the only time there’s peace in the house is when you are asleep.

if the home is no longer a safe place to come home to, this could cause a man to seek solace elsewhere.

Intimacy has drastically reduced:

Lovemaking is very important in any marriage, if you constantly deny your husband his conjugal rights, he may be frustrated and tempted to seek it elsewhere.

He loves you, and he loves to make love to you, don’t deny him constantly. Initiate it when you are in the mood and find creative ways to make it up to him when you are not in the mood.

This is not to say that if you follow all these steps your man will not stray, this is to ensure that you are not the reason he has gone astray. You can’t keep a man that doesn’t want to be kept but you can play your role in making your home a happy place.…For More READ THE FULL STORY ▶▶

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