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4 Things To Do If You’re Stuck In A Love Triangle

My guilty pleasure is watching reality television. I think it’s the drama that I lack in my everyday life that gets to me. Recently I have been hooked on Are You the One?....For More READ THE FULL STORY▶▶

I can’t wait for a new episode to come out every single week. For those who have never seen the show, it is a matchmaking game where singles are paired up based on extensive testing to find their “perfect match”. I think one of the most common problems on the show is the love triangles. However, a lot of us have been in similar situations, and our own lives are sometimes worthy of a reality show. It sucks if you are stuck in the middle of a love triangle or if you are one of the sides who is struggling for the attention of the other person. Love triangles really are the worst! Below I outlined four steps that Are You the One has actually taught me about love triangles and how to potentially resolve this horrible dilemma.

Consider your choices
You might not want to be a part of the love triangle as soon as you realize that you are in one. So you might try to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. You might think this is the best option and the easiest way out of feeling guilty and uncomfortable. The only problem is that you might make a rash decision that can impact you in the long run. Consider every option and how every choice will affect you. Sometimes it might be wiser to stick it out to be happy in the long run.

Talk about it and share your feelings
Some people might not realize how invested you are in the relationship. If they don’t check up on you every single minute and see that you are suffering than they won’t be able to understand how you really feel about them. The person in your love triangle might just be oblivious to the fact that their actions impact you in a very deep way. It’s always important to share how you really feel on either side of the love triangle and convey to them that this is impacting you in a big way.

Don’t cling on to the idea that something might work out in the future. It’s important to evaluate the situation and not imagine something that is not there. Moving on can be rough but it is much easier to come to terms with the situation if you haven’t invested too much of yourself into it. Dealing with something that you have been a part of for three weeks as opposed to three months is a big difference. So don’t torture yourself if there is no concrete sign that it will all work out in the end. Sometimes you just have to accept that some people don’t change or that they are just not as invested as you are.

Distract yourself
It’s important for this not to consume you. The best way to move on or to figure out your next step is to take some time off and to focus on yourself. Spend some time with family and friends to give your mind a rest. It is important to take a breather in order to not make a rash decision and to evaluate the situation from an objective viewpoint.

Love triangles are not fun when you are unintentionally a part of one. However every situation can be resolved, it just takes time and effort to figure out what the best option is for you. So don’t overreact if you do happen to be in one, take your time and consider your choices. And while you do that, enjoy some reality TV because it might actually give you great advice....For More READ THE FULL STORY ▶▶

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