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Anambra community condemns inclusion in proposed Orlu State

The people of Ozubulu community in Ekwusigo LGA of Anambra State have condemned the inclusion of their community in the proposed Orlu State...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

The President General of the town, Engr Chris Ononuju, dropped the hint in a press statement.

“It has come to the notice of Ozubulu leadership on the inclusion of Ozubulu town in the proposed Bill before the National Assembly for the creation of Orlu state without the consent or prior knowledge of the traditional and Administrative heads of ndi ozubulu.

“More worrisome is also that our Honourable member representing the good people of Ekwusigo, Nnewi north and South at the hallowed Green Chambers, who is a bona-fide son of Ozubulu ancient Kingdom was not consulted also before the inclusion.

“In as much as the bill is for a creation of new state from the South East, which is a welcome development, the cultural and traditional affiliations of the towns to be brought together should be of utmost importance.

“Ozubulu leadership in conjunction with the traditional ruler, Obi in council and all notable stakeholders therefore condemned this act of Ozubulu inclusion in the proposed bill.

“Meanwhile, we urge all umu ozubulu to remain calm as the Leadership is on top of the situation in Consultation with the Hon. Member representing Ekwusigo, Nnewi North and South federal Constituency Hon. Amb. Lovepet Peter Uzokwe (Asiwaju)to ensure that justice is done and possible removal of Ozubulu Ancient Kingdom from the proposed bill,” Engr Ononuju said....Continue The Full Reading.>’. 

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