News In Diaspora

BREAKING NEWS: Beautiful lady reveals her secret of being a virgin at 35 (See Photos)

A woman has garnered attention after publicly disclosing the reason behind her choice to remain a virgin as she celebrated her 35th birthday....For More READ THE FULL STORY▶▶

On her Facebook page, she admitted that she was initially hesitant to share her story, concerned about how it might impact her if she were to falter in the future.

She explained that the Holy Spirit has been her guide and protector throughout the years, aiding her in controlling her desires. Her dedication to sexual purity, she said, has been sustained by the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Her words: “T H i R T Y . F i V E… All I see is God’s G. R. A. C. E. The enemy had been saying I shouldn’t share this testimony anymore because “what if I fall and backslide”, “What if I fail” “What if I lose myself” etc, but the Lord told me it is not by might or power but by His Spirit, it’s the Spirit of God that has preserved me.

“It’s the Holy Spirit that helps me tame my flesh, it’s the Holy Spirit who enables my decision, I know where God has taken and how far the Lord has brought me, so yes sis is Still a Virgin at age 35 and yes I’m exercising Sexual Purity and yes it’s possible because I have the Holy Spirit of God.DO  YOU WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO OF THIS CONTENT? Click Here To W.atch The Full .Video HE.RE: Don’t Forget to visit the website for more fresh and original updates. Thanks

Mahnnnnnnn I am in Awe of Jesus… I subscribe to the gospel of walking in the fear of the Lord, with Holiness, Purity as the standard. I give God all the Glory for the gift of Life of walking in purpose 🙇‍♀️🎂🥳❤️ #Birthday #35YrsOldVirgin #HonoringGod #Marriageb4sex.”


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