In a heartbreaking incident in Ogun State, Nigeria, a teenage boy named Monday Ariyo reportedly lost his life following an alleged 164 lashes inflicted by a teacher. The tragic event took place at Obada Grammar School in the Imeko Afon Local Government Area and has ignited widespread outrage after details emerged on social media, shared by Instagram user @justadetoun, who is advocating for justice. ...Tap To Read The Full Story Here | ..Tap To Read The Full Story Here...
According to reports, the situation escalated when a teacher brought a dustbin into the classroom and instructed the students not to damage it. Ariyo allegedly questioned this, asking, “Isn’t our money used to buy it?” This prompted the teacher to report him to the principal. Mrs. Onalapo, the principal, reportedly directed the teacher to discipline Ariyo, leading to the severe punishment.Witnesses claim the teacher delivered 164 lashes until Ariyo collapsed.
He was immediately taken to a hospital, but unfortunately, his condition deteriorated, and he later died at the Federal Medical Centre in Abeokuta. A video circulating online shows his body being loaded into an ambulance, further fueling public outrage.REAL VIDEO
Social media activist Adetoun voiced her anger over the incident, warning that she would demand accountability if the boy were buried before her arrival in Ogun State. She called on authorities to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure those responsible for Ariyo’s death are held accountable. ..ALSO READ FULL FROM SOURCE ↔️
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