The heart-wrenching story of Peter Ukaegbu has gripped many after he shared a Facebook post mourning the tragic loss of his wife, Emmanuella Igbokwe Peter Ukaegbu, and their daughter, Onyinyechi Prisca Ukaegbu, in the fatal stampede at Christ the King Cathedral (CKC) in Aba. ...Tap To Read The Full Story Here | ..Tap To Read The Full Story Here...
What should have been a day of celebration turned into one of unimaginable sorrow for Peter. He and his wife had planned to mark their 10th wedding anniversary in Port Harcourt on November 30, 2024. Instead, he woke to the devastating news that his beloved wife and daughter, whom he fondly called his “second wife,” were among the casualties of the tragic event.|V!RAL V!D£O OF PAST0R DAUGHT£R M!STAK£NLY S£ND H£R NVD£ V!D£0 M£ANT F0R H£R BOYFR!END T0 CHURCH WHATSAPP CH0!R GR0UP|
In his post, Peter recalled how the day began with normalcy. His wife woke up early, prepared meals, bathed their children, and attended the Corpus Christi procession at the very church where they had exchanged their vows a decade ago. Little did they know that the sacred venue would become the site of their untimely demise.
“This double tragedy has devastated me, thrown me into mourning, uprooted my joy, and made me restless,” Peter lamented. He expressed a deep sense of vulnerability, describing how the loss has stripped him of the courage and strength he once believed he possessed.
His words resonated deeply with the pain of grief: “I don’t know where to start, the level of fear in me can’t be imagined. I am in shock, I am confused, I don’t know what to do right now.”|V!RAL V!D£O OF PAST0R DAUGHT£R M!STAK£NLY S£ND H£R NVD£ V!D£0 M£ANT F0R H£R BOYFR!END T0 CHURCH WHATSAPP CH0!R GR0UP|
Peter also reflected on the tragic irony of the situation: “It is unfortunate that the venue where you wedded was the same venue that consumed you and your daughter.” He concluded with a solemn prayer, asking that such affliction never rise again, and bidding a sorrowful farewell to his “LOVE” and “Ada Daddy Ya.” It has drawn widespread sympathy and sparked discussions about the need for better safety measures at large religious gatherings.…Read -T.he.Full_Article.Here.