Breaking News/Metro

Federal Government Orders Universities to Strengthen Campus Security

The federal government has instructed university Vice Chancellors to enhance security on campuses in preparation for upcoming nationwide protests addressing the increasing economic challenges in the country....For More READ THE FULL STORY▶▶

Chris Maiyaki, the Acting Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), conveyed this directive in a letter to the Vice Chancellors on behalf of the Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman. The letter emphasized the need for proactive measures to safeguard the campus environment, its properties, and staff.

The letter states: “The Honourable Minister of Education has instructed that the Vice Chancellors of all Nigerian universities be formally informed of the planned protests by various groups.

“The Federal Government recognizes the right of Nigerians to peaceful protest but is concerned about the safety of staff, students, and university property during such actions. Therefore, the Minister has directed that Vice Chancellors of all Nigerian universities should implement proactive measures to ensure the security and safety of the university community, including staff and students.

“Additionally, Vice Chancellors should issue specific statements to reassure staff and students of their safety. It is also recommended that students remain on campus to focus on their academic activities to avoid potential danger during the protests. Please accept the renewed assurances of my highest considerations and best wishes.”…For More READ THE FULL STORY▶▶

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