Friends of Captain Yakubu Dukas, the pilot of the helicopter that tragically crashed in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, have taken to social media to mourn his passing. According to reports, the helicopter, carrying eight people, crashed into waters near Bonny Finima in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday, October 24, 2024. The Sikorsky SK76 helicopter, registered as 5NBQG and operated by East Wind Aviation, was en route from Port Harcourt Military Base to the NUIMANTAN oil rig when it disappeared. ...Tap To Read The Full Story Here | ..Tap To Read The Full Story Here...
The Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB) confirmed that five bodies have been recovered from the crash site so far.
The National Association of Aircraft Pilots and Engineers (NAAPE) also issued a statement, shared by its president, Abednego Galadima, acknowledging the loss. The late Captain Dukas, who had over 20 years of flying experience, was serving as the association’s Vice President at the time of his death.
“We are deeply saddened by this tragic incident. Captain Yakubu Dukas was a skilled and respected pilot and a valued leader in our union,” the statement said.
The association called on authorities and relevant agencies to thoroughly investigate the cause of the crash and emphasized the need for optimal conditions in aviation to ensure safety, stressing, “There is no parking space up there.”
NAAPE further urged the government to strive for zero accident rates in aviation operations and expressed condolences to the families of all those affected by the accident. ..ALSO READ FULL FROM SOURCE ↔️
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