Rumour from the grapevine alleges that Aigboje has stopped Herbert’s parents allowance, refused to take them on the annual POLO trips that Herbert normally did when he was alive and they say that he allegedly cited no money as the reason…....READ THE FULL CONTENT FROM THE SOURCE | READ THE FULL CONTENT FROM THE SOURCE
They whisper that he is allegedly the one standing between Herberts children and Herbert’s family from settling their differences because he wants to control things to his advantage…
The rumor mill is heavy with the allegations and say Aigboje’s obvious intentions are the reasons Herberts parents cried and the father fell sick, that it was a shock to see Aigboje show his true colors…..
Here is hoping that things will be settled before the bad talks overtakes the good deeds…..Maybe Aigboje should do a Press statement to clarify these…CONTINUE THE FULL READING HERE: