
Misplaced priority? — NFF tackles Benin Republic for playing wrong anthem during World Cup qualifier

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has expressed frustration towards the Beninoise Football Federation for playing the old Nigerian anthem during the World Cup qualifier on Monday, June 10...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

In a statement, the NFF explained that they were appalled by the decision to play “Arise O’ Compatriot” after they had provided the new anthem to the Benin FA authorities at the Match Coordination Meeting in Abidjan on Sunday.

The new anthem, “Nigeria We Hail Thee,” was eventually played before the second half got underway.

“We gave them the recording of our new national anthem, only for them to play the wrong one at the beginning of the match.

“We protested strongly and insisted that the Super Eagles would not start the second half until the new national anthem of Nigeria was played,” NFF spokesperson Achor explained.

The Super Eagles lost 2-1 to Benin Republic at the Felix Houphouet-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan, casting doubt over their chances of securing a place in the 2026 World Cup in the USA, Canada, and Mexico...ĊONTINUE.THE FULL R£ĄÐING.>’.

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