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In his continued efforts to demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainable forest management and conservation in Ogun State, the Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun has recorded numerous achievements through the State’s Ministry of Forestry. Governor Abiodun through sterling leadership via the Ministry of Forestry has maintained nine forest reserves, executed tree planting agreements and expanded forest cover through investor-friendly policies.👉 For More READ FULL CONTENT FROM THE SOURCE ↔️

All these moves aligned with his ISEYA mantra as well as laying down of strong template that will stand test of times.

The Governor’s foot soldier and Commissioner of the Ministry, Engr. Taiwo Oludotun, FNSE ensures that the ball is not dropped.

The Forest Commissioner, Engr. Oludotun, FNSE while rolling out some of the Ministry accomplishments as of October 2024, listed to include the establishment of indigenous plantations, forest expansion, annual planting of thousands of trees, concessioning of land for pulp wood production, procurement of essential operational tools, security and protection of forest resources, collaborations with corporate bodies and farming groups, and significant revenue generation.

Below are some of the key accomplishments as of October 2024

“Maintenance of the State’s nine forest reserves sustainably to position the State in good standing in the comity of timber producing States in Nigeria”

ii. Execution of Tree Planting Agreements:

• The Ministry executed Agreement with Nigerian Breweries Pic for the establishment of 500ha of indigenous plantation over a period of 10 years in Olokemeji Forest Reserve. The planting which is being carried out as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility programme of the Company is in recognition of the efforts of the Ministry at developing the State’s forestry sector. As at present, about 150ha out of the proposed 500ha has been planted up.

The Ministry also executed a partnership Agreement with International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan for the establishment of 300ha of indigenous tree species to increase the raw material stock of the Forest Estate and to sequester atmospheric carbon. This partnership came on the heels of the success recorded with the Agreement signed with Nigeria Breweries. The partnership is expected to last for a period of 5years in Olokemeji Forest Reserve after which the plantation will be handed over to the State Government for maintenance and ownership.

iii. Forest Expansion: As a result of the investor friendly policies of the Ministry, over 2,000 hectares of forest land with approximately 3,000,000 trees established in seven Forest Reserves through direct planting and collaborations with investors like Nigeria Breweries Pic and International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

Annual Planting:

2021: 521,837 trees on 469.7 hectares

ο 2022: 360,409 trees on 324,4 hectares

ο 2023: 1,565,399 trees on 1,409 hectares

2024:510,838 trees on 459,8 hectares,

iv Planted 4,080 trees at the Ogun Agro-Cargo Airport at Iperu.

V. State’s inclusion in the United Nation-REDD program: The State was included in the list of States to partake in the UNREDD+ program being coordinated by the Federal Government, A REDD+ Secretariat has been created and other activities are currently going on to ensure that the State begins to access fund from the Carbon Credit platform. The implementation of the project is in phases which began with the “Readiness phase”. This phase has been completed with the State’s enlistment while the second phase “Implementation Phase” is almost completed. The final phase will be the full “National Implementation” and this is expected to commence immediately the second phase has been achieved.


Concession: Concessioning of 4,000ha to Dahua Forest Resources Development

Company Limited in Eggua Forest Reserve for pulp wood production. The concession is set to achieve the establishment of Eucalyptus trees, 10,000,000 trees would be planted through the concession. This is to provide raw materials for paper producing industries particularly Dahua Papers.

Procurement: The Ministry procured the following during the period: 5nos of new motorcycles and also refurbished 2 Tractors, 4 patrol vehicles as well as 25 motorcycles to ease monitoring.

• Essential operational tools for the Forestry Extension Unit to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Unit in attending to its assignments

across the State. Different units of horticultural tools to establish fruit orchard and horticultural seedlings for revenue generation.

Security and Protection: The Ministry intensified efforts towards the protection of forest resources planted with Government funds. To this end, the Ministry embarked on enhanced patrol and protection activities. This effort led to the apprehension of over 30 illegal perpetrators, recovery of illegally logged trees and timber, and generation of over N25 million from fines.

ix Collaborations: In the last one year, the Ministry partnered with 11 corporate bodies and 17 farming groups to carry out Agro-forestry. The partnership led to the establishment of over 120 hectares Agroforestry plantations in Ilaro Forest Reserve,

Farmer Enumeration: To ensure the protection of lives and properties within the Reserves, the Ministry commenced plans to rid the Reserves of miscreants endangering lives of residents of the Reserves. The Ministry commenced the enumeration of farmers in Omo Forest Reserve, Over 6,000 farmers have so far been enumerated. This initiative is to curb miscreants’ influx into the Reserve.

xi Encroachment Reduction: Drastic reduction in forest encroachment through policy reviews and enactments,

xii. Wildlife Sanctuary: To ensure the safety of the different wildlife in the State particularly Elephants in the Forest Reserves, the Ministry requested and secured His Excellency’s approval to acquire and gazette 4,000ha of land in Itasin in Ijebu East LG. The acquired land currently houses a herd of Elephants, The Ministry has Commenced the process of takeover of the approved 4,000-hectare Wildlife Sanctuary at Itasin Community.

Bamboo Plantation: The Ministry established 5 hectares of Bamboo plantation at Ilaro Forest Reserve. This was done to reclaim some degraded parts of the Reserve.

Security Operations: Following the registration and identification of genuine farmers in Omo Forest Reserve, the Ministry carried out a successful Task force operation to rid Omo Forest Reserve of criminals.

Infrastructure Development: To ease log evacuation and for administrative convenience, the Ministry created Laagan Range. The range was carved out of Area J4 in Omo Forest Reserve. In addition to creating the range, a befitting building which serves as the office was constructed and furnished. Also, solar power supply system was deployed to provide power at the range.

XVI Reclamation: The Ministry reclaimed over 5,000 hectares encroached land within the State’s Forest Reserves. Part of the reclaimed land were allocated to investors for establishing Agro-forestry plantations.


Global Environment Facility (GEF) Project Approval: The Ministry secured approval for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable use of low-land forest mosaic landscape in Ogun, Edo, Delta, and Ondo States. This project will guarantee ecosystem restoration and sustainability, climate mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation, improved livelihood and food security.

xviii. Internally Generated Revenue: The Ministry has achieved 95% of her revenue target for year 2024 as at October 2024. This feat was made possible through the leadership style of Engr. Taiwo Oludotun FNSE, the Hon. Commissioner for Forestry.…For More READ THE FULL STORY ▶▶

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