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Ram sellers lament low patronage ahead of Sallah celebrations

As the Sallah festivities approach, ram sellers in Zamfara State are lamenting low patronage...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

Alhaji Ishiaku Mande, a ram seller, expressed his concern that the business is no longer thriving. Previously, he could sell more than 20 rams a day, but now he is selling five or fewer. He noted that customers are complaining of lack of money.

“I used to sell more than 20 rams per day but now, I hardly sell five in a day as buyers are lamenting over lack of money.

“Last year, the business was lucrative because people were buying rams,” he said.

Another ram seller in Gusau, Mallam Lawali Ibrahim, said that the slow pace of business is very discouraging.

“This is the biggest Islamic celebration and Muslims are supposed to be happy,” he noted.

According to him, people are experiencing hardship as they are unable to provide for the daily needs of their families.

Muhammad Babangida, another ram seller noted that the current hardship in the country has affected the cost of living.

“Nigerians are dying of hunger and starvation and the government is busy calling on the people to be singing new National Anthem. Is it not somebody that is well fed that can sing?” he said.

One Alhaji Kabiru Damba stated that the cost of ram has gone beyond the reach of the common man.

“The celebration is between me and Allah and not with anyone. Allah does not look at the money one spends in the celebration but Allah looks at man’s mind,” he said.

He blamed the government for the state of the economy, as people’s lives have become miserable as a result...ĊONTINUE.THE FULL R£ĄÐING.>’.

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