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Reps aim to end Senate’s monopoly on appointment confirmations

The House of Representatives is currently making moves to strip the Senate of its constitutional powers over the confirmation of appointments...READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

This was disclosed by Deputy Speaker, Ben Kalu who said the House has received some communique to alter the constitution that gives the Senate the autonomy to confirm appointments.

Mr Kalu said this during the consideration of a conference report on the South-East Development Commission Bill after a lawmaker, Isiaka Ibrahim (APC, Ogun) raised questions on the monopoly of the Senate on confirmation of appointments.

“With due respect, this has now become a recurring decimal, each time we have a conference committee, and it involves the approval for nomination, the senate would always tell us to remove the National Assembly and put the Senate,” Mr Isiaka said while reacting to the report.

In responding to the question asked, Mr Kalu disclosed that “it is based on our constitution, and in the course of the ongoing constitution amendment, some have submitted memoranda to amend it that where the senate appears, it should be changed to the National Assembly. That is ongoing in the constitution review.”

This move is expected to create a massive showdown between the House and the Senate.[ ALSO NOTE: WATCH THE FULL VIDEO OF THE ARTICLE HERE..]

However, the Senate may have the upper hand as they may just decline the bill when it is presented.…CONTINUE. FULL. READING>>>

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