
We contributed money in South, you took it to North and you want us to continue like that? – Ayo Adebanjo

We contributed money in South, you took it to North and you want us to continue like that? – Ayo Adebanjo..READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶▶▶

In a recent interview with Arise News, Ayo Adebanjo, a prominent leader of Afenifere, voiced his concerns over the perceived injustices and disparities in Nigeria’s Constitution and revenue allocation system. Adebanjo criticized what he sees as unequal treatment between the North and South, particularly in the allocation of resources and the creation of states and local governments.

“We contributed money in the South, you take it to the North and you want us to continue like that? That’s not the Constitution that we had at Independence,” exclaimed Adebanjo,

Adebanjo singled out the disparity between Lagos and Kano as a prime example of this imbalance. Despite having similar populations, Adebanjo noted that the military government amended the Constitution to create more local governments in Kano than in Lagos, thereby skewing the distribution of resources and political power in favor of the North.

In his words;

“We contributed money in the South, You take it to the North and you want us to continue like that? You created more states in the North than in the South under this Constitution . That’s not the Constitution that we had at Independence. Tinubu knows better, We contributed money In Lagos. Lagos and Kano had the same population. The military changed the Constitution, created more LGs in Kano than in Lagos”

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